Recertifications of Access Rights and Roles with the Garancy® Recertification Center
The Garancy® Recertification Center offers a web interface that empowers companies to check the access rights of their users and to define key users who may recertify or revoke assigned rights and roles.
Increase the security and accuracy of recertifications: Ensure that users have only the essential access rights they need. Regularly update and review roles to maintain system integrity and efficiency. As a manager, use the Garancy® Recertification Center to routinely validate that your team members' access privileges are still appropriate and in line with access management best practices. In addition, the Recertification Center helps managers document their adherence to IT compliance regulations, reinforcing their personal responsibility to maintain strict IT security standards.
Discover the Garancy® Recertification Center in 100 Seconds
The Garancy® Recertification Center offers a web interface that empowers companies to check the access rights of their users and to define key users who may recertify or revoke assigned rights and roles.
Your Benefits
Maximum Security
Increasing security: More often than not, internal jobs are responsible for data loss. And a lot of the time, nobody knows for how long this has been going on.
No “Token Recertifications”
Quite often, managers perform bulk recertifications without actually taking a close look at the details. Reasons for this may include high workloads, limited time or a lack of insight into the current status of access rights.
Compliant Processes
The entire recertification process becomes auditable and can be implemented in a compliant manner across the company.
High Degree of Transparency
Being aware of the importance of access rights and roles: Many managers do not understand the purpose of individual access rights, or they need to sift through huge stacks of paper printouts when performing a recertification run.
Suitable Recertification Tools
The Garancy® Recertification Center delivers tools that cover all audit requirements and provide information needed to confirm the completeness of recertifications.
Protection of Employee and Customer Data
Due to increasing cybercrime risks and growing demands of regulatory frameworks – such as ECB, Basel 3, ISO 27001, PCI DSS, Solvency 2 and Sarbanes-Oxley – alongside internal audit requirements, ensuring data security and privacy depends on targeted monitoring and the use of dedicated resources.
Dynamic growth of the IT application inventory and an ever more complex IT landscape call for a highly flexible IAM system to allow companies to handle this host of challenges. The entire company benefits from comprehensive flexibility.
Flexibility for Users
Easily configure automated recertification workflows.
Quickly launch recertification campaigns – based on organizational units, job titles or risk evaluations.
Set up scheduled or ad-hoc recertification campaigns.
Enjoy optimized portal access on both desktop and mobile devices.
Benefit from comprehensive audit analyses as well as support for audit compliance and confirmations of conformity.
The internationalized Unicode-based solution supports multiple date formats and time zones.
Organizational and Business IT Flexibility
The intuitive web interface simplifies recertification for internal and external users.
Monitor the progress of recertification with status details such as due date, revoked and recertified access rights and time frames.
Get detailed views down to individual users, departments, roles and comparisons across multiple tables.
Facilitate workflow substitutions or delegations with automatic security checks to confirm suitability and conformity according to the delegation rules defined in the IAM engine.
Events are consistently logged and progress is archived: View completed and open tasks, actions performed by users, owners of resources and much more.
Benefit from fast recertification and automatic out-of-the-box deprovisioning after completion of the recertification campaign.