
Reach the Top: Automation and Orchestration Strategies with the Workload Automation Leader (ES)

Discover the keys to reach the top in process automation and orchestration in this webinar with our industry-leading AutomateNOW! product.

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We will explore the most innovative strategies to optimize workload management, reduce costs and increase operational efficiency. From basic automation of batch, event-driven or created-on-the-fly jobs and FTP to advanced orchestration with over 400 pre-defined connectors in cloud, multi-cloud, or hybrid cloud environments. Unlock and benefit from the full potential of your infrastructure with best practices and case studies from subject matter experts.

Alcance la Cima: Estrategias de Automatización y Orquestación con el líder en Workload Automation

Descubra las claves para alcanzar la cima en la automatización y orquestación de procesos en este seminario web con nuestro producto ANOW! líder en la industria. Exploraremos las estrategias más innovadoras para optimizar la gestión de cargas de trabajo, reducir costes y aumentar la eficiencia operativa. Desde la automatización básica de trabajos batch, basados en eventos o creados en “vuelo” y FTP hasta la orquestación avanzada con más de 400 conectores predefinidos en entornos cloud, multicloud, o cloud híbrida. Libere y benefíciese de todo el potencial de su infraestructura con las mejores prácticas y casos de estudio de la mano de expertos en la materia.

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Beta Systems Webinar on automation and orchestration strategies with ANOW


March 14, 2024
45 minutes


Further Resources

Blog Article

US Insurance Transforms Report and Log Management with Beta Systems

A leading North American insurer, embarked on a transformative IT project to modernize its core report and log management systems. With over 20,000 employees and many more agents, the organization relies on efficient, reliable access to operational and business-critical reports in its daily workflows. These reports, generated and distributed by the legacy CA View and CA Deliver systems hosted on IBM z/OS platforms, were deeply embedded in the company’s operations. Virtually all business users depended on these reports for decision-making, creating a widespread dependency across the organization.
Success Story
NAV Logo

NAV Reduces Licensing Costs by Replacing CA Spool

NAV output management: Close cooperation between NAV and Beta Systems resulted in new functions for Beta DocZ that enabled the successful replacement of CA Spool.
Blog Article

How Can Effective Output Management Help Companies Strive?

In today’s fast-paced business environment, managing the flow of information is crucial for any organization’s success. This is where output management comes into play – a term that might not be familiar to everyone but plays a central role in the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. This article aims to give insights on output management, exploring its definition, importance and benefits for companies.