IWS z/OSMainframe

IWS Tools: Solutions for the IBM Workload Scheduler IWS z/OS

Simplify the operation and use of your IBM Workload Automation products. With IWS Tools, you save time, nerves and resources. Graphically display processes and dependencies, change batch-controlled scheduling plans and definitions. The IWS Tools belong to HORIZONT Software GmbH, a part of the Beta Systems Group.


The Tools

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IWS/WebAdmin z/OS

User-Friendly Web Interface for IWS z/OS

Most IWS users use the IWS z/OS ISPF interface. It is fast and reliable, but it has one big disadvantage: It is designed for IWS experts. For all other users ISPF itself is simply unacceptable. In addition, the ISPF interface does not allow access to multiple IWS subsystems simultaneously.

IWS/WebAdmin z/OS is the solution for both problem areas. Production planners and controllers can easily work on multiple IWS subsystems and also other personnel can access IWS data via an easy-to-use Web interface.

IWS/WebAdmin z/OS comes with an integrated database which is automatically synchronized with the AD and CP of all IWS systems. This provides answers to complex queries and enables the creation of multiple report types and graphics (bar charts and flow charts) – without impacting the IWS subsystems in any way.

IWS/WebAdmin is the program of choice for individuals responsible for Production Processing, including those involved in production planning, production control, application programmers and anyone who requires information about IWS z/OS.

Installation files | Hotfixes | Documentation

Modify Applications in AD

Insert, modify and delete applications, run cycles, operations and dependencies, with all modifications initially stored only in the internal database. An administrator or another authorized user can subsequently retrieve and apply these changes to IWS at any later time.

AD and CP Analysis

Fast queries, such as identifying jobs planned between 10:00 and 12:00, are complemented by graphical representations like netplans and barcharts, special resource usage analysis, critical path identification and insights based on actual or “historical” plans.

Forecast and Status Monitoring

Recalculation of the critical path to verify changes and/or based on historical run times, alongside the ability to assess “what if”-scenarios. On the whole business process or job level, there is a notification system in place for late or error jobs.

Work on CP and LTP

Display, modify, delete and insert ad hoc jobs.

Product Features
IWSWebAdmin zOS Product activity report screenshot interface
IWSWebAdmin-zOS netplan
IWSWebAdmin zOS Product Job History screenshot interface


Graphics, Documentation and Monitoring for IWS z/OS

As a user of IWS, you know how important these systems are for planning, automation and control of your batch processing. With perhaps thousands of jobs running every night, IWS is critical to the completion of your batch production.

However, as projects grow, they become harder and harder to manage. When you are faced with problems, change requests or simply the need to have IWS information available, IWS/Graph is the only choice.

IWS/Graphs PC component displays your IWS data in a way you have never seen before: Applications, operations, internal and external dependencies, run cycles, run rules and special resources etc. are shown as easy to understand net plans and bar charts.

Use IWS/Graph to distribute IWS information, even via the Internet or Intranet.

IWS/Graph is the ideal program for anyone seeking information about IWS definitions and status information from the Current plan, among other details. It is suited for individuals in production planning, production control, application programmers, non-IT departments and project and test teams.

Installation files | Hotfixes | Documentation


IWS/Graph provides access to a wealth of data from the Application Description, the Current Plan and the JCL. Users can delve into applications and schedules, operations, dependencies, special resources, operator instructions, status information and JCL, ensuring comprehensive insights and control over their workflow.

Online and Offline

IWS/Graph for z/OS supports offline use to share IWS information without live data access and online use for direct updates to the Application description and the Current plan, along with real-time status monitoring.

Product Features
IWSGraph zOS Product Operation netplan Screenshot Interface
IWSGraph zOS Product Screenshot Interface – status monitor
IWSGraph zOS Product Screenshot Interface  – intra internet

IWS Tools Resources

Download free presentations, flyers, trainings and other valuable resources to learn more about IWS Tools!


The Change Control System for your IWS for z/OS

IWS/Audit tracks and captures all changes made to the IWS for z/OS definition databases (AD, WS, RD etc.), the Current Plan (CP), the Long Term Plan (LTP) and the JCL (JS) for analysis and reporting – making it easy to detect modifications, insertions and deletions.

IWS/Audit tracks every version of your IWS for z/OS files. Roll back to a previous revision level – even if the object has been deleted. Compare older versions of data with the current definitions to find errors faster.

A comfortable dialog program with many search criteria enables you to search for special records. Additionally, all information can be written into detailed reports.

IWS/Audit logs and archives automatically and is therefore audit-proof. IWS/Audit helps you to determine the causes of errors quickly and easily.

IWS/Audit is an auditing system designed for individuals working with IWS for z/OS or those requiring information about modifications to IWS. It caters to the needs of those in production planning, production control and auditors, ensuring transparency and accountability in the workflow.

Installation files | Hotfixes | Documentation

Data Sources

IWS/Audit scrutinizes IWS tracklog and JT files, storing modified records in its dedicated database. It meticulously tracks all modifications to various IWS objects, including Application Descriptions, Calendars, Periods, Special Resource definitions, Variable tables, ETT, Operator Instructions, Current Plan, Long Term Plan and the JS File (JCL), ensuring comprehensive oversight and control.


IWS/Audit retains an unlimited number of versions of IWS Applications, allowing for comprehensive comparisons between all versions or with the current version in the Application Description. It facilitates the restoration of previous application versions by generating IWS batchloader statements to revert changes in the Application Description. Additionally, IWS/Audit produces IWS/BatchAD control cards to restore all definitions, ensuring robust version control and data integrity.

Product Features
IWSAudit Screenshot Interface – startpanel
IWSAudit Screenshot Interface – selection
IWSAudit Screenshot Interface – report


The System for Comfortable Mass Updates for IWS z/OS

This useful interface to the IWS z/OS Application Database permits mass changes, cloning and/or maintenance in batch mode. Productivity is increased by minimizing dialog usage.

Modify, insert, delete or copy the following objects: Applications, Run Rules, Run Cycles, Operations, Predecessors, Special Resources, Calendar, Periods, ETT.

Especially useful in test environments. IWS/BatchAD allows you to move definitions from test to production and vice versa. While transferring data, all fields can be modified, e.g. “Copy all Applications created today by user P390G by changing all workstations P* to T*”.

The users do not need any programming knowledge. IWS/BatchAD works with easy to understand control statements. Easy to install and use. Can be integrated into REXX, CLISTS or dialog programs for customized solutions.

IWS/BatchAD serves as a mass update system for all users involved in modifying IWS z/OS (TWS z/OS) definitions. It is an essential tool for individuals in production planning, as well as project and test teams, facilitating efficient and coordinated updates across various groups.

Installation files | Hotfixes | Documentation


IWS/BatchAD is designed to modify the IWS definition database, encompassing AD, OI, RD, SI and WS components. It enables users to list, update, insert, or delete various objects within the system, including Applications, Operations, Dependencies, Special Resources, Operator Instructions, ETT, Calendar, Periods and Variables, ensuring comprehensive management and customization of IWS definitions.

Additional Options

IWS/BatchAD includes special functions that enhance its utility, such as an export and import feature to transfer data between different IWS environments, e. g. from test to production, a sorting function to organize operations by operation number and a test mode for trial runs without affecting live data.


Automation for IWS z/OS Current Plan

IWS/BatchCP is an add-on to IWS. It is designed to help you in the automation of your production planning and control. It modifies Multiple Occurrences, Operations, Special Resources, Workstations, External and Internal Dependencies in batch mode.

IWS/BatchCP increases the productivity of your personnel by replacing repetitive tasks. It helps you to avoid manual, error-prone inputs in the IWS dialog.

IWS/BatchCP is useful for testing purposes. Set date fields (Input Arrival Date of Predecessors, Occurrences, Deadlines) to any date in the future. Generate JCL for any date in the future. Simulate IWS Variable Substitution.

Users do not need any programming knowledge. IWS/BatchCP works with easy to understand control statements. It is easy to install and use, and can be integrated into REXX, CLISTS or dialog programs for customized solutions.

IWS/BatchCP is an automation and change system designed for users who need to modify the Current Plan or the Long Term Plan or require additional information. It serves those in production planning, production control, non-IT departments and automation, facilitating effective plan adjustments and data access.

Installation files | Hotfixes | Documentation

Data Sources

IWS/BatchCP is designed to modify the IWS Current Plan and Long Term Plan, allowing users to list, update, insert, or delete various objects, including Application occurrences, Operations, Dependencies, Special Resources, Workstations and JCL (JS File).

Technical Description

IWS/BatchCP, leveraging IWS's Program Interface (PIF), modifies the Current Plan and the Long Term Plan, ensuring technical precision. Actions within IWS/BatchCP can be scheduled into the Current Plan for recurring tasks and the system offers integration with REXX or CLIST functions. Additionally, all input undergoes IWS validation, akin to the IWS dialog process.


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